Mandala Backdrop Decoration
A Traditional Diwali Mandala Themed Decoration for Diwali Party and Celebrations.
₹4999 / decoration
1 7x5ft Mandala flex backdrop decorated with 14 yellow garlands
1 Led warm white light
2 Rajasthani umbrellas
1 Round (Hula Hoop) Photo selfie frame decorated with 1 yellow flower garland, 1 orange flower garland and 1 battery operated light
1 Small circle on the floor made with 2 yellow flower garland and 1 green leaf string
2 Pots decorated with 2 yellow flower garland and 2 green leaf strings
If there is no wall at the venue then a backdrop stand can be added through our customizations section
Table and vase
Decoration outside city limits
About The Experience
Need To Know
Artificial flowers are used for this decor.
Please provide nearest power source/extension board for the decoration.
Lights and flower garlands will be placed with the help of the tape.
Please arrange a stool or a ladder to reach the ceiling.
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Cancellation Policy
- 3 days or more before an experience: Cancellation with 90% Refund
- 24 hours to 3 days before an experience: Cancellation with 50% Refund
- Less than 24 hours before an experience: Cancellation with no refund
- No Cancellation is possible for experiences booked for 13th and 14th February as these are Valentine's Special Packages.