30 Red Roses in Glass Vase Bouquet
Send a simple30 Red Roses in Dholak Glass Vase Bouquet to surprise them - Free & On-Time Delivery
₹1549 / bouquet
A bouquet made up of 30 fresh fragrant red roses wrapped in a dholak glass vase bouquet.
Delivered to a location of your choice in Delhi-NCR, Bangalore, Jaipur
Delivery outside Delhi-NCR, Bangalore, Jaipur
About The Experience
CherishX 30 Red Roses in Dholak Glass Vase Bouquet is picked fresh from the farm and delivered in a beautiful package to your special recipient. Our 30 Red Roses in Dholak Glass Vase Bouquet is a classic but simple romantic gesture that will make them fall head over heels.
Need To Know
There maybe slight variation in shape/ design of bouquet compared to that depicted
Make it a combo by adding delicious cake, personalized cup or a sparkling wine
Delivered to your desired address
Cancellation Policy
- More than 24 hours before experience: Cancellation with 90% Refund
- Less than 24 hours before experience: Cancellation case to case basis
- No Cancellation is possible for experiences booked for 13th and 14th February as these are Valentine's Special Packages. Similarly, no cancellations are allowed for bookings made on Karva Chauth.
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