A Bouquet full of Roses
Rose Bouquet
₹2349 / bouquet
A bouquet made up of 50 fresh & fragrant roses wrapped in a net wrap paper
Delivered to a location of your choice in your city limits.
Delivery outside your city limits.
About The Experience
Let your relationship be as fragrant & beautiful as roses. Gift your partner a token of love- a gorgeous rose bouquet consisting of 50 full bloomed, fresh & fragrant roses.
Need To Know
Experience can be curated for girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, kids, parents & friends - messages will be tailored for the surprise
Surge will be applied for same day bookings
Delivery is subject to availability in your city.
Delivered to your desired address
Cancellation Policy
- More than 24 hours before experience: Cancellation with 90% Refund
- 12 hours to 24 hours before an experience: Cancellation with 50% Refund
- Less than 12 hours before experience: No Refund on Cancellation
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